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Terms of Services

Chapter 1: General Provisions


Article 1 (Purpose) These terms and conditions govern the rights between the company and members in relation to the use of games and related services (hereinafter “game services”) provided online by BLEUJOY (hereinafter “Company”); The purpose is to stipulate duties, responsibilities, and other necessary matters.


Article 2 (Definition of Terms) ① The definitions used in these terms and conditions are as follows.

1. “Company” means a business operator that provides game services online.

2. “Member” means a person who agrees to these Terms and Conditions and is entitled to use game services.

3. “Game Service” means games and all services incidental thereto that the Company provides online to its members.

4. “Game World” refers to a gaming environment that allows multiple members to enjoy entertainment according to certain rules (hereinafter referred to as “Game Rules”) through game services, or to engage in leisure activities, promotion of friendship, information exchange, etc. in conjunction with entertainment. It refers to a variable virtual world that implements .

5. “Account (ID)” means a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters selected by the member and assigned by the company for member identification and use of game services.

6. “Account information” refers to the general information provided by the member to the company, such as the member's account, password, and name, as well as generated information such as game usage information and usage fee payment status.

7. “Character” means game data that a member selects and manipulates in the game world according to the method provided by the company in order to use the game service.

8. “Password” means a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters selected by the member and kept confidential to confirm that the member matches the account given to the member and to protect the member's information and rights.

9. “Cash” refers to virtual data used to use or purchase game services, which members pay for and purchase.

10. “Cyber Points” refers to virtual data used to use or purchase game services and has no property value that is arbitrarily set by the company and paid out free of charge.

11. “Post” refers to all information consisting of text, document, picture, voice, video, or a combination thereof posted by the member while using the service.

② The definitions of terms used in these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by relevant laws and other general commercial practices, except as provided in each subparagraph of Paragraph 1.


Article 3 (Provision of company information, etc.) The company posts the following information on the initial screen of the game service or the game service homepage ( so that members can easily understand it. However, the personal information handling policy and terms and conditions can be viewed by members through the connection screen.

1. Company name and representative’s name

2. Address of business office (including the address of the place where members’ complaints can be handled) and e-mail address

3. Telephone number, facsimile transmission number (Fax number)

4. Business registration number, mail order business report number

5. Privacy Policy

6. Terms of Service


Article 4 (Specification and revision of terms and conditions) ① The company posts these terms and conditions on the initial screen of the game or the game service website ( or provides a connection screen so that members can understand the contents of these terms and conditions. Notice to.

② The Company takes measures to enable members to ask and respond to questions regarding the Company and the contents of these Terms and Conditions.

③ The Company prepares the terms and conditions so that those who wish to use the game service (hereinafter referred to as “users”) can easily understand the terms and conditions, and prior to agreeing to the terms and conditions, among the contents stipulated in the terms and conditions are cancellation of subscription, refund of overpayment, and cancellation of contract. ㆍImportant information such as termination, the company's disclaimers, and compensation for damages to members are written in bold letters so that members can easily understand them, or a separate connection screen or pop-up screen is provided, and user consent is obtained.

④ The Company is subject to the 「Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.」, 「Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions」, 「Act on Promotion of Game Industry」, 「Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.」, 「Contents Industry Promotion Act」 These terms and conditions may be revised to the extent that they do not violate relevant laws and regulations.

⑤ When the company revises the terms and conditions, the date of application, details of revision, reason for revision, etc. must be specified and must be revised at least 7 days prior to the applicable date (30 days prior for changes that are unfavorable or significant to members) and after the effective date has elapsed. You will be notified through the initial screen or the screen connected to the initial screen until the period has elapsed.

⑥ When the company revises the terms and conditions, it confirms whether the member agrees to the application of the revised terms and conditions after announcing the revised terms and conditions. If the notice of the revised terms and conditions also states that the member will be deemed to have accepted if he or she does not express his/her intention to agree or reject the revised terms and conditions, if the member does not express his/her intention to reject the revised terms and conditions by the effective date of the terms and conditions, he/she may be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms and conditions.

⑦ If the member does not agree to the application of the revised terms and conditions, the company or the member may terminate the game service use agreement.


Article 5 (Rules other than Terms and Conditions) Matters not specified in these Terms and Conditions and the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the 「Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.」, 「Act on Regulation of Terms and Conditions」, and 「Act on Promotion of Game Industry」. 」, 「Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.」, 「Contents Industry Promotion Act」, etc.


Article 6 (Operating Policy) ① In order to protect the matters necessary to apply the Terms and Conditions, protect the rights and interests of members, and maintain order within the gaming world, the Company determines the specific scope in the Terms and Conditions and carries out delegated matters through the Game Service Operation Policy (hereinafter referred to as “Operation Management Policy”). (referred to as “policy”).

② The company must notify members of the operating policy by posting it on the game's initial screen or game service homepage or providing a connection screen so that members can understand the contents of the operating policy.

③ In the case of revisions to the operating policy that bring about significant changes to the rights or obligations of members or that have the same effect as changing the contents of the Terms and Conditions, the procedures in Article 4 shall be followed. However, if the revision of the operating policy falls under any of the following items, it will be notified in advance by the method of paragraph 2.

1. When revising matters delegated by specifying the scope in the terms and conditions

2. When revising matters unrelated to members’ rights and obligations

3. If the content of the operating policy is not fundamentally different from the content set forth in the Terms and Conditions and the member revises the operating policy within a predictable range.


Chapter 2 Conclusion of Use Agreement


Article 7 (Application for use and method) ① Anyone who wishes to use the game service provided by the company may do so by filling out the application form provided by the company on the initial game screen or on the game service website ( You must apply.

② When applying for use, users must provide all information requested by the company.

③ Users must enter their real name and actual information when applying for use in Paragraph 1. If you falsely enter your real name or identification information or steal someone else's name, you cannot claim your rights as a member under these Terms and Conditions, and the Company may cancel or terminate the service agreement without refund.

④ When a youth (including students under the age of 18 and enrolled in a high school under the provisions of Article 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act) applies for use, the consent of a legal representative must be obtained, and the specific consent procedure is detailed in the game. Follow the methods provided by the company in accordance with the Industrial Promotion Act and Enforcement Decree.


Article 8 (Approval and Restrictions on Application for Use) ① If a user applies for use by accurately entering his/her real name and actual information regarding the information requested by the company from the user, the Company will approve the application for use unless there is a good reason.

② The company may not approve applications for use that fall under any of the following items.

1. When applying for use in violation of Article 7

2. If the usage fee cannot be confirmed due to non-payment or incorrect payment.

3. When a juvenile (same as juvenile in Article 7, Paragraph 4) does not obtain the consent of a legal representative or cannot confirm that consent has been obtained.

4. When a user with a record of usage restrictions within the past 3 months applies for use.

5. When paying service fees by unauthorized use or theft of a third party's credit card, wired/wireless phone, bank account, etc.

6. In cases where the service is used in a country other than Korea where the company has not yet decided to provide the service, the service is provided in relation to a contract the company has concluded with an overseas service provider or service provision to members accessing from a specific country. When there is a need to limit

7. When applying for use for the purpose of committing an illegal act prohibited by the 「Act on the Promotion of the Game Industry」, the 「Act on the Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc.」 and other related laws.

8. In other cases where approval is judged to be inappropriate for reasons similar to items 1 through 7.

③ In any of the following cases, the company may withhold approval until the reason is resolved.

1. If the company’s facilities are insufficient or there is a technical problem

2. In case of service failure or service fee payment method failure

3. In case it is difficult to approve the application for use due to any other reason similar to the above.


Article 9 (Member Account (ID) and Password) ① The company grants members an account with a certain combination of letters, numbers, or special characters selected by the member for the convenience of protecting the member's information and providing guidance on service use.

② The company performs various member management tasks, such as whether the member can use the service, through account information.

③ Members must manage their account information with the utmost care as a good manager. Members are responsible for any damages resulting from their negligence in managing their account information or allowing a third party to use it.

④ Responsibility for managing the password lies with the member, and if the member wishes, it can be changed at any time for security reasons, etc.

⑤ Members must change their password regularly.


Article 10 (Provision and change of member information) ① When members are required to provide information to the company in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, they must provide truthful information and are not protected against disadvantages arising from the provision of false information.

② Members can view and modify their personal information at any time through the personal information management screen. However, real name, account (ID), etc. required for service management cannot be modified.

③ If there are changes to the information provided when applying for membership, members must make changes online or notify the company of the changes through other means.

④ The Company is not responsible for any disadvantages arising from failure to notify the Company of changes in Paragraph 2.


Article 11 (Protection and Management of Personal Information) ① The company strives to protect members’ personal information, including account information, in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. The protection and use of members' personal information is subject to relevant laws and the personal information handling policy separately announced by the company.

② Excluding individual services provided as part of the service, the company's privacy policy does not apply to services provided by third parties that are simply linked from the homepage or game service-specific website.

③ The Company is not responsible for any information, including member account information, that is exposed due to reasons attributable to the member.


Chapter 3 Obligations of Contracting Parties


Article 12 (Obligations of the Company) ① The Company shall comply with relevant laws and faithfully exercise the rights and fulfill the obligations stipulated in these Terms and Conditions in good faith.

② The company must have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that members can safely use the service, and it discloses and complies with the personal information handling policy. The company ensures that members’ personal information is not disclosed or provided to third parties, except as stipulated in these Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy.

③ In the event that equipment malfunctions or data is lost while improving services in order to provide continuous and stable services, the Company shall do so unless there are unavoidable reasons such as natural disasters, emergencies, defects or failures that cannot be resolved with current technology. We will make every effort to repair or restore it without delay.


Article 13 (Member's Obligations) ① Members must not engage in the following acts.

1. Entering false information when applying or changing

2. Stealing other people’s information

3. Impersonating a company executive, employee, operator, or other related person

4. Changes to information posted by the company

5. Transmitting or posting information (computer programs, etc.) prohibited by the company

6. Producing, distributing, using, or advertising computer programs, devices, or devices not provided or approved by the company.

7. Infringement of intellectual property rights, such as copyrights, of the company and other third parties.

8. Any act that damages the reputation of the company or other third parties or interferes with their business.

9. Disclosing or posting obscene or violent words, writings, images, sounds, or other information that is against public order and morals.

10. Disposing of game data (account, character, game item, etc.) for a fee (transfer, sale, etc.) or using it as an object of rights (provision of collateral, rental, etc.)

11. Inducing or advertising the actions specified in item 10

12. Use of game services for profit, sales, advertising, political activities, etc. without the consent of the company.

13. Other acts prohibited by relevant laws or not permitted by good morals or other social norms.

② Members have the obligation to check and comply with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, usage guidelines, notices announced in relation to game services, and matters notified by the Company.

③ The Company may determine in its operating policy the specific types of acts that fall under Paragraphs 1, 2, and any of the following, and members have an obligation to comply with them.

1. Restrictions on member’s account name, character name, clan name, and guild name

2. Restrictions on chat content and method

3. Restrictions on bulletin board use

4. Restrictions on how to play the game

5. Matters deemed necessary by the company in operating the game service to the extent that they do not infringe upon other members’ fundamental rights to use the game service.


Chapter 4 Service Use


Article 14 (Changes in Services and Modification of Contents) ① Members may use the game services provided by the company in accordance with these terms and conditions, the operating policy, and the game rules set by the company.

② The game world that the company provides to members through the game service is a virtual world created by the company, and the company has comprehensive rights over the production, change, maintenance, and repair of game content.

③ The company takes necessary measures to protect the game world from the real world and maintain order and gameplay in the game world.

④ If the company has a reasonable reason, it may modify (patch) the game service according to operational or technical needs. In the case of modifying (patch) the game service, the change will be announced through the relevant game site, etc.


Article 15 (Provision and suspension of services, etc.) ① Game services are provided for a set period of time in accordance with the company's business policy. The company announces the game service provision time in an appropriate manner on the game initial screen or on the game service website (

② Notwithstanding Paragraph 1, in any of the following cases, the game service may not be provided for a certain period of time, and the company is not obligated to provide the game service during that time.

1. When necessary for maintenance, replacement, or regular inspection of information and communication equipment such as computers, or modification of game content or game services.

2. When necessary to respond to electronic infringement accidents such as hacking, communication accidents, abnormal game use behavior of members, or unexpected instability of game services.

3. When relevant laws and regulations prohibit the provision of game services at specific times or methods.

4. When it is impossible to provide normal game services due to natural disasters, emergencies, power outages, service facility failures, or excessive service use.

5. In case of serious management needs of the company, such as division of the company, merger, transfer of business, abolition of business, or deterioration of profits of the game service in question.

③ In the case of Paragraph 2, Item 1, the Company may suspend the game service at a certain time on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. In this case, the company will notify the member at least 24 hours in advance on the game's initial screen or the game service website (

④ In case of Paragraph 2, Item 2, the Company may temporarily suspend the game service without prior notice. In such cases, the company may post a notice of this fact on the initial screen of the game or on the game service website (

⑤ The Company is not responsible for any damages incurred by users in connection with the use of free services provided by the Company. However, damages caused by the company's intention or gross negligence are excluded.

⑥ In relation to the use of paid services provided by the Company, if the service is stopped or a failure occurs continuously for more than 4 hours (cumulative time) per day without prior notice due to reasons attributable to the Company, the Company will provide service suspension and failure time only for accounts with continuous use contracts. The usage time equivalent to 3 times is extended free of charge, and the user cannot claim separate damages from the company. However, if the company notifies the company in advance of service suspension or failure for reasons such as server inspection, but the service suspension or failure time exceeds 10 hours, the usage time is extended free of charge by the excess time, and the user contacts the company. You cannot claim separate compensation for damages.

⑦ In the case of items 3 to 5 of Paragraph 2, the Company may suspend all game services due to technical or operational needs, and may suspend provision of game services by announcing this on the website 30 days in advance. If there are unavoidable circumstances where prior notification cannot be made, notification may be made after the fact.

⑧ If the company terminates the game service in accordance with Paragraph 7, members cannot claim damages for free services, paid services with no remaining usage period, continuous paid service contracts, or fixed-term paid items.


Article 16 (Provision of Information) The company displays the following information on the initial screen of the game or on the game service homepage (, an Internet website, so that members can easily understand it.

1. Company name

2. Expulsion of game products

3. Usage level

4. Classification number

5. Production date

6. Report number or registration number of the game manufacturer or distributor

7. Other matters deemed necessary by the company


Article 17 (Collection of information, etc.) ① The company may save and store all chat contents between members within the game service. The company will allow users to view this information only when the company deems it necessary to mediate disputes between members, handle complaints, or maintain order in the game. This information is held only by the company and is not held by third parties who are not authorized by law. No one can ever view it. The company decides to notify individuals in advance of the reason and scope of viewing of chat information before viewing the information. However, in connection with the investigation, processing, confirmation, and relief of fraudulent acts such as account theft, cash transactions, verbal abuse, and in-game fraud, bug abuse, and other violations of current laws and regulations, as well as serious violations of the Terms and Conditions stipulated in Article 13 of these Terms and Conditions. If there is a need to view a member's chat information, we will notify individuals whose chat information was viewed after the fact of the reason for viewing and the parts of the information related to them.

② The company may collect and utilize information on settings and specifications of terminals such as member PCs to improve game service quality, such as game service operation and program stabilization.


Article 18 (Products for Use) ① The Company provides game services that members can use without paying additional fees (hereinafter referred to as “free services”) and game services that members use by paying a fee set in advance by the company (hereinafter referred to as “paid services”). ) can be provided, and members can select and use the game service.

② Payment for use of game services can be made through a method predetermined by the company.

③ In relation to the use of the paid service under Paragraph 1, the member must comply with the following matters after applying to use the paid service selected by the member.

1. Members who apply to use paid services must faithfully pay the game service fee.

2. Members who apply to use paid services must apply for and pay the game service fee using the method provided by the company. However, members who applied through bank transfer must deposit the amount within 3 days after completing the application. If the deposit is not made within 3 days, the application is deemed to have been withdrawn.

④ If a member who is a minor wishes to use a paid game service that requires payment, the Company must obtain the consent of a parent or other legal representative, and the use of the paid game service without consent may be canceled by the legal representative. Please notify us before making payment.


Article 19 (Cyber Points) ① The Company may provide Cyber Points based on the member's content usage records, and Cyber Points not used within the validity period set by the Company may be forfeited.

② If there is an error in the accumulation of Cyber Points, the member may apply for correction within a reasonable period of time, and the Company may notify the result after going through the verification process and take corrective action on Cyber Points if necessary.

③ The Company may terminate the Cyber Point service after prior notice for management or technical reasons, and the Company must provide advance notice at least one month in advance. In this case, any previously accumulated cyber points that are not used by the service end date notified in advance will be forfeited.


Article 20 (Attribution of copyright, etc.) ① Copyright and other intellectual property rights for content produced by the company within the game service are owned by the company.

② Members may not copy, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast or use for commercial purposes any of the information obtained by using the game service provided by the company, the intellectual property rights of which belong to the company or the provider, by copying, transmitting, publishing, distributing, broadcasting or other methods without the prior consent of the company or the provider. You must not use it or allow a third party to use it.

③ Members may upload or transmit communications, images, sounds, and all materials and information (hereinafter referred to as “user content”), including dialogue text, that are displayed within the game or uploaded or transmitted by members or other users through the game client or game service in relation to the game service. The company allows the use of the information in the following manner and under the following conditions.

1. Use of the relevant user content, change of editing format, and other transformations (publication, reproduction, performance, transmission, distribution, broadcasting, creation of secondary works, etc.) are possible in any form, and there is no limitation on the period and region of use. )

2. Do not sell, rent, or transfer user content for transaction purposes without the prior consent of the user who created the user content.

④ The Company will not use the member's user content (e.g., posts on general bulletin boards, etc.) that are not displayed within the game and integrated with the game service for commercial purposes without the member's explicit consent, and the member may use such user content at any time. You can delete it.

⑤ If the Company determines that a posting or posting content within the game service posted or registered by a member constitutes a prohibited act as stipulated in Article 13, the Company may delete, move, or refuse registration without prior notice.

⑥Members whose legal interests have been infringed by information posted on bulletin boards operated by the Company, etc. may request the Company to delete the information or post a rebuttal. In this case, the company will quickly take necessary action and notify the applicant.

⑦ Paragraph 3 is valid while the company operates the game service and continues to apply even after membership withdrawal.


Chapter 5 Cancellation of subscription, cancellation/termination of contract, and restrictions on use


Article 21 (Withdrawal of subscription) ① Members who have entered into a contract with the company regarding the use of paid services may withdraw their subscription within 7 days from the date of purchase or the date of availability of paid services.

② In any of the following cases, members may not withdraw their subscription pursuant to paragraph 1 against the will of the company.

1. If goods, etc. are lost or damaged due to reasons attributable to the member.

2. When a member uses or partially consumes a product

3. If it is difficult to resell over time

4. If the packaging of replicable goods, etc. is damaged.

5. Other cases prescribed by law for the safety of transactions.

③ In the case of goods, etc., for which subscription withdrawal is not possible pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 2, items 2 to 4, the Company shall clearly state this fact on the packaging of the goods, etc. or in another place where members can easily see, or provide trial products. Measures must be taken to ensure that the exercise of rights, such as withdrawal of subscription, is not hindered by providing such information. If the company does not take these measures, the member may cancel the subscription despite the reasons for the restriction of subscription withdrawal in subparagraphs 2 to 4 of Paragraph 2.

④ Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 to 3, if the contents of the paid service are different from the contents of the display or advertisement or are implemented differently from the contents of the contract, the member must become aware of the fact within 3 months from the date of purchase or the date of availability of the paid service. You can cancel your subscription within 30 days from the date you became aware of it.

⑤ Members may withdraw their subscription verbally, in writing (including electronic documents), or by e-mail.


Article 22 (Effect of withdrawal of subscription, etc.)

① If a member withdraws the subscription, the company will immediately withdraw or delete the member's paid service and refund the amount paid within 3 business days from the date of recall or deletion of the paid service.

② In this case, if the company delays refund to the member, it will pay delay interest calculated by multiplying the delay period by the interest rate stipulated in the Act and Enforcement Decree on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc.

③ In refunding the above amount, if the member paid the amount using a credit card or other payment method prescribed by the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, etc., the Company will immediately request the business operator who provided the payment method to claim the payment. Request to suspend or cancel. However, if the company has already received payment from the payment provider, it will refund the payment to the payment provider and notify the consumer of this.

④ If the goods, etc. have already been partially used or partially consumed, the company may charge the member an amount equivalent to the profits earned by the member through partial use or partial consumption of the goods, or the cost incurred in supplying the goods, etc. .

⑤ If a member withdraws his/her subscription, the cost of returning the goods, etc. shall be borne by the member, and the Company shall not charge the member with a penalty or compensation for damages due to withdrawal of subscription.


Article 23 (Cancellation and Termination of Membership) ① Members may terminate the game service use agreement (hereinafter referred to as ‘membership withdrawal’). If a member applies for membership withdrawal, the company can verify the member's identity, and if the member is confirmed to be the member, action will be taken according to the member's application.

② If a member wishes to withdraw membership, he or she may do so through the membership withdrawal procedure at the customer center or within the service.


Article 24 (Cancellation and Termination of the Company) ① If the member violates the member's obligations set forth in these Terms and Conditions, the Company may terminate the contract after prior notification to the member. However, if a member violates current laws and causes damage to the company intentionally or through gross negligence, the service agreement may be terminated without prior notice.

② If the company terminates the service agreement, the company will notify the member of the following matters in writing, e-mail, or similar method.

1. Reason for termination

2. Termination date

③ In the case of the proviso to paragraph 1, the member loses the right to use the paid service and cannot claim a refund or compensation for damages.


Article 25 (Restrictions on use of services for members) ① The company may restrict members’ use of game services according to the following categories. The specific reasons for violation of a member's obligations for which usage restrictions are imposed shall be determined in the operating policy of each individual game in accordance with Article 27.

1. Restriction of some character rights: Restrict certain rights, such as character chatting, for a certain period of time

2. Restrictions on character use: Restrict the use of member characters for a certain period of time or permanently

3. Account use restrictions: Restrict use of member accounts for a certain period of time or permanently.

4. Restrictions on member use: Restrict members’ use of game services for a certain period of time or permanently.

② If the Company's restrictions on use are justified, the Company will not compensate for any damages incurred by the member due to the restrictions on use.


Article 26 (Use Restrictions as a Provisional Measure) ① The company may suspend the account until the investigation into the following issues is completed.

1. When a legitimate report is received that the account has been hacked or stolen

2. If there is reasonable suspicion of an illegal program user, workplace, etc.

3. In cases where provisional measures for the account are necessary for other reasons similar to the above items.

② In the case of Paragraph 1, after the investigation is completed, the company will pay a certain amount in proportion to the period of game service use and extend the member's game service use period by the suspended period. However, this does not apply if the person is found to be an illegal offender under Paragraph 1.


Article 27 (Reasons and procedures for use restrictions) ① The company establishes specific reasons and procedures for use restrictions in its operating policy, taking into account all circumstances, such as the content, degree, frequency, and results of the violation.

② If the Company restricts use as set forth in Article 25, the Company shall notify the member of the following matters in writing, by e-mail, or by posting on the initial screen of the game or on the game service website ( do.

1. Reasons for use restrictions

2. Type and period of use restrictions

3. How to appeal against usage restrictions


Article 28 (Procedures for filing objections to usage restrictions) ① If a member wishes to object to the company's usage restrictions, he/she must submit an objection in writing or by e-mail, stating the reasons for objecting to the company's usage restrictions, within 15 days from the date of receiving the notification. Alternatively, it must be submitted to the company in an equivalent manner.

② The company that has received the objection form in Paragraph 1 must respond to the member's reasons for dissatisfaction within 15 days from the date of receipt in writing, e-mail, or an equivalent method. However, if the company has difficulty responding within 15 days, it will notify the member of the reason and processing schedule.

③ The company must take corresponding measures based on the above response.


Chapter 6 Damage Compensation and Refund, etc.


Article 29 (Compensation for Damages) ① If the company causes damage to a member intentionally or through gross negligence, it is responsible for compensating for the damage.

② If a member violates these terms and conditions and causes damage to the company, the member is responsible for compensating the company for the damage.


Article 30 (Refund) ① If a member requests a refund for cash purchased directly, he or she may receive a refund. When refunding, a certain amount will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded if it is less than 10% of the current remaining cash balance or if the cash balance is less than 10,000 won due to reasons such as bank transfer and payment agency fees. If a certain amount is deducted and the amount remaining after the deduction is less than the deductible amount, a refund is not possible.

② In the case of a continuous use contract, the remaining amount is less than 10% of the remaining amount or the remaining amount excluding the amount corresponding to the portion of the product price already used by the user (the standards for calculating the usage amount for each product are notified separately at the time of product purchase). If it is less than 10,000 won, a certain amount will be deducted and the remaining amount will be refunded. If a certain amount is deducted and the amount remaining after the deduction is less than the deductible amount, a refund is not possible.

③ If the service agreement is terminated due to reasons attributable to the member, such as violation of current laws or serious terms and conditions, refunds may be limited.


Article 31 (Company's Exemption) ① The company is exempt from liability if it is unable to provide services due to war, incident, natural disaster, emergency, technical defect that cannot be solved with current technology, or other force majeure reasons.

②The company is exempt from liability for suspension of game services, disruption of use, or contract termination due to reasons attributable to members.

③ The Company is exempt from liability in cases where damage occurs to members due to the telecommunication service provider's suspension or failure to provide telecommunication services properly, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

④The Company is exempt from liability in cases where the game service is suspended or a failure occurs due to unavoidable reasons such as repair, replacement, regular inspection, or construction of game service equipment that has been announced in advance, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the company.

⑤ The Company is exempt from liability for any problems arising from the member's computer environment or the network environment without the Company's intention or gross negligence.

⑥The Company is exempt from liability for the reliability and accuracy of information, data, and facts posted or transmitted by members or third parties within the game service or on the website, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the Company.

⑦The Company has no obligation to intervene in disputes that arise between members or between members and third parties through the game service, and is not responsible for compensating for any resulting damages.

⑧In the case of free game services provided by the company, the company will not compensate for damages unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the company.

⑨Some of these game services may be provided through game services provided by other business operators, and the Company is not responsible for any damages incurred due to game services provided by other business operators, unless there is intent or gross negligence on the part of the Company. This is exempt.

⑩The Company is not responsible for members not obtaining or losing the characters, experience points, items, etc. they expected while using the game service, and the Company is not responsible for any damages arising from the choice or use of the game service. Otherwise, liability will be waived unless there is gross negligence.

⑪The company is exempt from liability for member’s in-game cyber assets (game money) and loss of rating/proficiency, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the company.

⑫The company is exempt from liability for damages caused by a member's computer error or when damage occurs due to inaccurate or missing personal information and e-mail address, unless there is intentional or gross negligence on the part of the company.

⑬The company may restrict the game service usage time depending on the game service or member in accordance with relevant laws, government policies, etc., and is exempt from liability for all matters related to the use of the game service that arise due to such restrictions and restrictions.


Article 32 (Member Grievance Handling and Dispute Resolution) ① Considering the member's convenience, the company provides instructions on how to present a member's opinion or complaint on the game initial screen or the game service website. The company operates a dedicated organization to handle members' opinions and complaints.

② If the company objectively recognizes that an opinion or complaint raised by a member is justified, it will promptly handle it within a reasonable period of time. However, if processing takes a long time, members will be notified of the reason for the long time and the processing schedule on the game service website ( or by e-mail, phone, or in writing.

③ If a dispute arises between the company and a member and a third-party dispute resolution agency mediates it, the company may faithfully certify the measures taken against the member, such as restrictions on use, and follow the mediation agency's mediation.


Article 33 (Notification to members) ① When the company notifies members, it may do so through the e-mail address or electronic memo designated by the member.

② When notifying all members, the Company may replace the notice in Paragraph 1 by posting the notice on the initial screen of the Company's game site for more than 7 days or by presenting a pop-up screen, etc.


Article 34 (Jurisdiction and Governing Law) These Terms and Conditions shall be governed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea, and if a lawsuit is filed due to a dispute arising between the Company and its members, the competent court shall be the court in accordance with the procedures prescribed by law.

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